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How do I use the "Uncover Everything" App?If you are in front of a target marker that has already been uploaded, just open the app and use the camera to scan the image. If you don’t have anything to scan, please check out the example page.
What is needed to upload to the app?You'll need two things to create an AR experience with us: Target Markers - are images or objects which trigger the Augmented Reality content to appear in camera view on your mobile device when you scan them with Uncover Everything App. Content - the Uncover Everything app currently supports images, links, and audio and video files. This is what will appear when the target marked is scanned in the app.
How do I upload to the app?You can upload to the app by clicking here.
How will I know when my content is available in the app?An email will be sent to you once the target marker is a available for scanning.
Why is my upload still not available on the app?Your content may have been flagged as inappropriate or is copyrighted material. Please check the email that you provided us to see if we've provided further information. If not, please submit a ticket with support to get a detailed response.
What can I do to improve my target marker's readability?For best detection and tracking, Target Marker should satisfy the following requirements: Rich in Detail – for example, street scene, group of people, collages and mixtures of items, and sport scenes Good Contrast – for example, bright and dark regions and well-lit areas work well. No Repeated Patterns – unique features and distinct graphics covering as much of the target as possible to avoid symmetry, repeated patterns, and feature-less areas. Must be .PNG or .JPEG format JPEGs must be RGB or grayscale (no CMYK) Minimum 320×320 Pixels Less than 10 MB in size Target Marker should be unique. If your marker is not unique or is already being used we will alert you.
What are the maximum file sizes?Target market: Less than 10 MB in size Content: Less than 500 MB in size. However, if your content is larger than 100 MB, please contact support to upload your content. The larger file size for overlay content, the slower it may load/appear.
Does the app support displaying 3D Models?No, 3D models and animations are not currently supported- But they will be coming soon!

Click the button below to reach out about previously uploaded content. For new uploads, click here instead.
For Further Questions, Submit Your Ticket Here
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